kitty pi

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Alanis would think so...

I was supposed to go to the doctor today. It's been a long time and I need to go because I canceled my appointment in October. I have to go to the doctor pretty regularly since I had my thyroid glad destroyed almost two years ago. At any rate, my TSH is all screwed up and I need to get in and and get a full check up to find out what's going on. So, I really didn't feel like going today and I couldn't really afford the visit (since I am going outside of my insurance for this doctor - she's really good) but I decided I really needed to go and rather than cancel and have to wait 3 or 4 more months to go again, I'd just go. I thought maybe I'd right a note on the check like Lucy: "be a lamb and don't put this through until next Tuesday". =) So, as I am fretting about whether or not they would let me postdate the check, the receptionist called and said they needed to cancel my appointment today because Dr. H was.... Sick! Isn't it ironic?! Yes, I really do think!

So, the moral of this story is, don't worry about postdating a check for your doctor until you get there! All that worrying for nothing! I wasted at least 5 minutes this week wondering what I was going to do. The other lesson I learned is that if you cancel your appointment, you have to wait 3 months to get back in, but if they cancel, you can get in next week. *scratches head*. If they had appointments available next week, why couldn't I take advantage of that back in October when I first needed to go?

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