kitty pi

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Putting the Stink back in Distinction

I have news!  You probably don't know that I am transferring from community college to a university soon.  You also don't know (because I just found out) that I have been... drumroll, please... "admitted with distinction".  I especially love that part.  With distinction.  I don't think I've ever done anything with distinction!
I am much more excited than I thought I would be.  It kind of caught me off guard because I did expect to get in (humble, aren't I?) but wasn't 100% sure since I've never tried before.  Once I found out, it was really a thrill.  I have sooooo far to go to actually get my degree, but it's a great milestone for me.  Yay!  No more community college (not that there is anything wrong with that).  
Anyway, I just wanted to share my news because, well just because.   
Now- only 4 more years of university (I'm on the 10-year plan) and then I'm off to grad school! ha! 
That's all.  You can all go back to whatever you were doing!
P.S. I am looking for scholarships and grants in Linguistics so if you know anything about anything, please show me the way. 

3 comment(s):

i came across a "large" book with scholarships and grants. That's the entire book. Anyway, head for your nearest bookstore. I actually got one from the community college I went to. Congrats. Good luck.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:31 PM  

Congratulations! Is this your first degree?

You get to study linguistics! *swoons with delight*

I LOVED studying linguistics!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:33 AM  

With distinction? Impressive! :-) And good luck. I was on the five year plan and very ready to be done with it near the end!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:08 AM  

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