kitty pi

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Got tea?

Adagio Teas - Link Reward

OK, I love tea. I don't love it as much as coffee but I don't love anything as much as coffee. Except Mr. Quilty and our kids. I found this link/offer/ingenious marketing ploy via Dylan who found the link via Ty. It sounds like a groovy deal. Even though my Google rank is probably non-existent or very, very low, perhaps I can score some tea. And one can never have enough tea.

1 comment(s):

thanks I love tea. However like you I enjoy coffee a lot as well. Frequently I have been known to drink hot coffee and iced tea at the same time. My friends call me a double fisted drinker.

The Jester

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:39 PM  

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