Stop me if you think that you've seen this one before
The BLOG Shirt: T-Shirt Humor: The Funny T-Shirt StoreI saw this a while back, but it is even more poignant to me today. Since I am feeling very unblogworthy this week, it seems appropriate! Also, I can't stop reading them even though I have mounds and mounds of work to do.
2 comment(s):
Hey Q,
It's almost like a sickness isn't it? I don't feel normal at work until I've looked through my dailies. Otherwise it's like trying to start my day without that big cup of coffee. Work can wait!
By Anonymous, at 9:25 AM
Me too. I can't stop reading blogs, yet I have to work to find something to say on my own. I have nothing to say lately. I suck.
By Anonymous, at 11:35 AM
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