Such Great Heights of Obnoxiousness
How boring, I mean cute am I?If you thought South Park was obnoxious before, imagine it with Ms.Q, the most boring person ever. Only happy with a latte in her hand. Able to correct bad grammar faster than you can blink an eye. Watch as people flee the second she enters the room. Her only saving grace? Not-too-shabby GPA. And good hair. She might make a good match with Gregory from Yardale, with the Four-Oh grade point average, but she really has her eye on Stan Marsh. She really doesn't want to piss off Wendy, but Stan is so cute. Except when he barfs.
It's true, we watch South Park all the time at Chez Quilty. It is the best show on TV. I am not worthy to imagine myself as a character but alas, I could not resist! The possibilities are endless, and yet, I am imagination impaired apparently!
Oh, originally kleptoed from Mac at Pesky'apostrophe.
If you haven't read Mac yet, you are really missing out. Can that girl rant!
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By Anonymous, at 6:52 AM
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