kitty pi

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Reader Discretion Advised

This post is not for the squeamish. Or anyone with a phobia of dentists. If you get anxious just thinking about the dentist, you should just move on, there is nothing to see here, folks. You've been warned.

Thankfully, I survived the dentist yesterday but it was probably the worst 4 hours of my life. Why 4 hours? Why the longer to torture you, my dear! I learned one important thing: dental drills and tongues do not go together. I am sporting a nasty gash/scrape/cut/abrasion on the side of my tongue where the BURR, that's right the burr, and my tongue had a brief rendez-vous. Paper cut? That's nothing compared to this.

I got two tiny fillings without novacaine. Terrific. They were so superficial that I didn't need any numbing. Went fine. Without a hitch. Except for the tongue thing. One other word of advice: when sporting a booboo on your tongue, do not under any circumstances try to eat a hot dog with relish afterward. Bad, bad, bad idea! Toffee Nut Latte with Whip Cream is advised instead. Mmmmm. Warm, yummy, caffeinated. Just what I need! More alertness. Doh.

As if the tongue incident wasn't bad enough, the kind doctor decided that I needed some topical anesthetic for my gums near the crown I was having replaced. Topical anesthetic doesn't sound too bad. Oragel is painless. Wait, what are those giant needles?! I have never had an aversion to needles, but get one near the back of my mouth and I kind of freak out. The pain of 3, count 'em 3, injections had to be far, far worse than any irritation my gums might have experienced with removing my nasty old crown. I had tears in my ears after that. Yes, the dentist made me cry. I have never cried at the dentist before.

The second time I cried was at the reception desk when I handed them my payment of $1056. I could have freaking flown to Paris for that amount of money. And stayed for a week.

Good times.

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