Tuesdays: Like Mondays but with less enthusiasm
It's Tuesday, y'all. I am not a big fan of Tuesday. I don't know why I can't get going. There always seems to be more work on Tuesday and I have even less motivation than I did the day before. Plus everything with me is delayed. I have delayed reactions to just about every single thing that ever happens. If a car cuts me off (which happens daily), I don't freak out until about 10 seconds later. So, naturally, I hate Tuesdays like most people hate Mondays.By the way, to the Driver of the Humvee: if you absolutely must take up 2 parking spaces at work, could you be a dear and park away from the front of the building? I realize that you are all entitled and stuff since you obviously feel the need to show us your manhood (or lack thereof), but if you have a shred of awareness in your feeble little mind, you would have the courtesy to not make me park in the farthest parking place in the lot just so you can get 2 spaces near the door. I realize fewer people would then have the priviledge of seeing your behemoth vehicle and would therefore not benefit from the great awe and astonshment we have for you and your enormous wealth and power. That would be tragic but somehow I think we could cope.
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