kitty pi

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

100 Things, Part 2

Let's see if I can pull this off.

26. I have freckles.
27. I am allergic to avocados.
28. I've never been called for jury duty.
29. I've never been skydiving.
30. My husband has.
31. I don't know the past tense for skydive. Skydove sounds wrong. I'll have to look it up.
32. I would like to learn to play the violin or cello.
33. My husband used to be in a rock band.
34. I like to quote T.S. Eliot.
35. I collect books about words.
36. At home, many of our conversations are comprised of movie quotes.
37. I can name that tune in one note.
38. My daughter is very good at math and spelling.
39. My son is a very talented artist.
40. My daughter is too.
41. I would like to be a painter or a sculptor or a potter.
42. My mom never worked outside of the home.
43. I still own the skirt I was wearing the day I met my husband.
44. I met my husband at work.
45. I used to be a cashier.
46. Other jobs I have had include: customer service rep, child-care provider, accounts receivable clerk, adminstrative assistant, legal secretary, executive administrator, and ombudsman.
47. One day I want to be a professor.
48. I like clocks but I hate the ticking sound.
49. I have 20/20 vision.
50. I still had braces on when I had my first child.

3 comment(s):

Hey Q,

RE: #34

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a band but a whimper

Good person to quote!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:10 AM  

Umm, that would be "Not with a BANG", not band. Darn fingers!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:11 AM  

What is the past tense for sky dive anyway? Hmmm?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:37 PM  

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