As You Wish
Wow. You guys blow me away. Thank you so much for your encouragement and support. I do have some awesome readers. But, I guess I do need affirmation from time to time. My self-esteem took a couple of minor blows recently so... anyway, sorry for the pity party! I re-read my post from Friday and, boy, do I sound lame! I did acknowledge that my funk was partly induced by the full moon and now it seems to have passed. However, when I am at a low point, I guess I get a little dramatic. *sheepish grin* At any rate, your compliments and support were more than I expected. Thank you.I am going to write through this. As someone mentioned, I also
I had a lovely weekend with Mr. Q. We just got to be together without other distractions and demands (i.e., bored and whiny kids) and we actually got out of the house together on Saturday and had some fun. What a concept! We went to Shakespeare in the Park (my first time) and saw a funky, wild west version of As You Like It. The wild west theme didn't really work at first but, after the first 3 scenes or so, the set and costumes became more or less transparent and the performances and the exquisite dialogue took center-stage and entertained us for 2 hours. Outside. Overlooking the ocean. Dudes! Shakespeare rocks! A local actor, Nick Lawson, who played Touchstone was outstanding and stole the show. The other performers were also excellent but he really stod out. It was a great production.
We made Sunday a family day and we spent it all together with the whole Quilty clan at the pool. Quilty Jr., Quilty nephew, Quilty sister, Quilty Mom and Dad, and of course Mr. Q and me. It was really nice and relaxing. So, even though Friday sucked bigtime, the weekend was extra nice.
It's Monday and I am feeling chipperer than usual. I'll write more and I'll write often so that eventually what I say isn't complete tripe! As they say, practice makes perfect. Or perhaps "exercise makes excellence"? I just made that up. Pretty clever, no?
2 comment(s):
Well, I'm sure that I'm not the only one who is grateful that you'll continue sharing your Q-ness with us.
Anonymous, at
2:09 PM
Hey --
I went away for the weekend or I would have commented... Take some time if you need to but do keep blogging! I like to read your stuff.
Anonymous, at
5:15 PM
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