kitty pi

Friday, July 15, 2005

Linky Love Fest

Since I tend to read a lot of political blogs (and I am a proud member of the Big Brass Alliance, fyi), but I rarely if ever spout off myself, I am going to give you a few of my favorite links (leaving off the major playas because you should already know who they are):

I just discovered this one called Me4President2008. It is excellent.

One of my long-time blog loves: Something Requisitely Witty and Urbane.

Another recent discovery: Shakespeare's Sister.

And a few more that I like:
Rox Populi

Oh, hell, just go to the Big Brass Blog if you haven't already, for a roundup of smart and *gasp* liberal bloggers.

2 comment(s):

Aww... thanks, Ms Q. SRWU's always been quite fond of A Cat Named Pi, too.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:29 PM  

How do you have time to find all of these? AND keep up with them?!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:33 PM  

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