kitty pi

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Recommended Reading

I have to pimp out Mr. Q's new blog, yo.

As you know, I think he is the bee's knees. What you (and I) didn't know is that he can blog with the best of them. If his first post is any indication - dude, I am totally out of business! I can't compete with writing like that. In my defense, he received an excellent and advanced education, he comes from top notch genetic stock, and he is naturally an exceptionally talented man. Did I mention that he's totally hot?! He is sex on wheels! And he's mine, all mine! Mwahahahaha! I, on the other hand, had a poor public school education which I never finished, come from the very shallow end of the gene pool, and am only moderately talented. But, in a genius stroke of luck in this life (perhaps my only one), I managed to snag the best catch of all! Props to me!

Anyway, I am extremely proud so please go show him some love! There are some funky template issues he is still working out. If you can't view the whole page, just minimize and maximize your window and it should work just fine.

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