Drama-free Zone
Happy Monday!This weekend was mostly terrific. There were some standout moments in there but these are the ones I can talk about! *wink*
The most blogworthy thing, I suppose, was a funny encounter with the Blockbuster guy and an introduction to the Neighbors from Hell. I am actually a little relived to be at work instead of home right now because I have a limited capacity to deal with the new spawn of satan living next to me. (But I miss Mr. Q, of course. I hate being at work and away from him, if you must know!)
Friday or Saturday, I received a coupon in the mail for $2.99 video rental from Blockbuster, so being the frugal gal that I am, we went there to take advantage of the Big Savings! We picked Sideways which we hadn't seen yet and went to the counter. I gave the clerk our dvd and the coupon.
Blockbuster guy: That will be $4.30
Me (sweetly): Um, what about my coupon?
BG: Oh yeah, I thought I'd try to screw you out of a dollar. Sorry.
Me (laughing): I knew it!
Mr. Q (jokingly): I can tell you spend your day thinking of ways to screw people over!
BG: Yeah! OK. Now your total is $3.20. You saved a whole dollar! Now, was that worth the drama?
Me (stunned): *blink, blink*
The rest of the conversation was all about what you can buy for a dollar, including 10 ramens, or 3 tacos on Tuesdays (at your local Del Taco, check listings for a location near you). It was a lively and funny discussion with a video store clerk. I guess you had to be there.
[Note to Blockbuster management: This encounter was in no way insulting or offensive. We enjoyed it a lot and we are not complaining. At least he acknowledged our existence as human beings instead of monosyllabically grunting at us and taking our money. We wish more clerks/customer service people had a sense of humor and actually pretended to enjoy interacting with customers.]
Just when I thought I couldn't
There are a lot of miserable people in the world. I am a lot like Woody Allen in Annie Hall where he says (I'm paraphrasing) if I know there is one miserable person on the planet, I can't be happy. I try to enjoy my day and embrace the good that I've got (I am very fortunate, I realize) but it's hard to truly feel bliss when I know there are people suffering. And right now there are people in my own family who are or may be suffering to some degree or another. It's hard. But I am counting my blessings and looking forward to a relatively drama-free day.
Hope your day is beautiful or spectacular in some way.
2 comment(s):
i guess you'd better get a large supply of flaming bags of poo ready for your new neighbors...?
Anonymous, at
9:47 AM
You could always call your friendly, local exorcist to come take care of the problem. But I think Mikey's flaming bag of poo idea is more fun. Just let me know. I've got two kids, so there's plenty of poo to go around. Just trying to be helpful and neighborly, ya know?
Anonymous, at
9:49 AM
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