kitty pi

Thursday, August 11, 2005

I've had it up to here!

Two things, quickly, while I am still officially on my lunch break.

1. I just spent $52.52 to fill up the gas tank of my reasonably fuel-efficient mid-size car. It now makes more sense for me to go on welfare than actually work. How do lower wage workers manage to afford to break even at this rate? Add childcare to that and we are seriously kidding ourselves if we think all Americans earn a living wage. Some of us do, but that is rapidly disappearing. And don't tell me to take the bus or the train, it's not like the bus or train are that economical either. At least where I live.

I am just kidding about going on welfare. Please don't send hate mail. All I'm saying is that if we want people to get off of welfare and go to work, why do we make it so damn hard for that to happen?

2. My lovely, thoughtful, and uber-intelligent boss asked me during the lunch hour to call so-and-so's secretary to see if so-and-so could meet with him this afternoon. Being the LUNCH HOUR, so-and-so and his secretary were at - get this - LUNCH. I leave a message for the secretary to call me if so-and-so can meet with my boss. She calls back after LUNCH and leaves a message to say that my boss and so-and-so have talked already and they are going to meet.

I called my boss just now and asked (very, very sweetly) "if you are going to call so-and-so directly and ask for a meeting, why did you ask me to call his secretary and set up a meeting?"

He says, "Well, when I called at first no one was there. So, I wanted to make sure that I got a message to him". To which I replied: "No shit, Sherlock! They were at LUNCH. And that still doesn't answer my question." gah.

No, I didn't actually say "No shit, Sherlock" but I wanted to. Why some people seem to live to waste other people's time is mystifying to me. All this wasted time adds up. If I added up all the minutes I wasted on his behalf, I could... I don't know... spend five weeks on vacation. Like on a ranch in the middle of Texas, for example.

Anyway, how are you this fine afternoon?

16 comment(s):

how's my afternoon? it's hot, sticky and no one seems to be dying!!! on top of all of that i only got a 90 on the quiz. i swear i had the Powerball thing right with coffee and cigarettes. looks like Dylan wins the prize.

good luck bud!!! she's a tough one to please...

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:01 PM  

I would note that on my time sheet!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:07 PM  

The wise Ms.Q ( said, "I am starting to figure out that what the Beatles said applies to blog love: The love you take is equal to the love you make."

So, I wanted to stop by today and just say "Hi" because I enjoy your blog, but don't stop often enough and leave a comment. Also, I wanted to invite you to contribute to my "Bloggers Summer Photo Album." Read more about it at I hope you'll want to share your summer fun!

(Yes, this is a "form comment," but I mean every word! I swear!)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:33 AM  

That? Is expensive. I don't blame you for having it up to there. Wherever there is. Its Friday be happy about that!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:27 AM  

Here through an indirect recommendation from Moo Alex, but I'll add my 2 cents to the great gas price debacle.

I know a 10 year old who is obsessed, OBSESSED I tell ya with rising gas prices. He knows the going rate at every gas station within a 25 mile radius, easy. So if you said you stopped and got gas on the way over he wants to know where and how much. Most of the time the horror on his face when you said you stopped at certain places is alone, worth the trip.:)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:28 AM  

$10 nets us a little less than 5 gallons. We have a little Kia Sephia. I think the tank holds 11 or 12 gallons.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:47 AM  

Well, it appears that our blessed government wants to create two totally distinct and separate classes of people, the haves and the have-nots, without any remote gradations within those particular classes. Those who are not rich are on welfare. I think the Shrub would like that very much. Jesus Christ, get me a Tylenol! And a vodka!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:59 AM  

My afternoon is being spent trying to catch up on the three days work I missed this week dealing with a boss who waste my time on his behalf, and yes entire weeks of my tasks have been set aside in order to feed the beast. I had heard that gas spiked out there, and I will see it soon here too but It's is still unbelievable to me that everyone else is spending what I used to have a good night at the bar in the past in order to buy gas so that they can drive home. I tend to agree with jo-fo about the two classes being created. The funny thing that I find about it is that the haves seem to be such a dim-witted bucn. The rest of us should really go Russian Revolution on their ass. My wife and I both have at a minimum semi-advanced college degrees and good jobs, but are still mired in the have nots. I have to think that there is a large selection of the hve nots with non-traditional have not careers out there. The working poor as we were once called are growing as a group which only forces the truely por even farther down and seperates the rich by leaps and bounds. Gas prices suck, don't they?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:23 AM  

Heavens, we were freaking out about the $2.29 here this morning. I don't know how people do it--we're hand-to-mouth with two salaries and only one child...though we do have non-essentials like horses and dogs. and, you know, medications. I can certainly see in W's world how those could quickly become a luxury item for the average wage-earner.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:51 PM  

I remember when oil was $18.00 a barrel. Ahhh, the good ol' days. I suppose scooters aren't practical for every one but consider the fact that you get 80 miles to the gallon. Aprilia and Kymco have nice selections.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:15 PM  

I saw on the news today that they are expecting gas to go up to 3.25 a gallon... INSANE.

$33 to fill up Wilson the bug.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:47 PM  

My afternoon yesterday sucked, too, if that's any consolation. ;-)

And that gas thing is ridiculous. It's pretty bad here, too.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:45 AM  

You think gas prices are bad there? We just broke the £1 a litre! I'm learning to drive, and thinking how cool it will be to get places without looking at damn timetables - I already know I'll be bitching about petrol prices. Wait, I'm doing it now :-S

Know what you mean about time wasting - well, beginning to. Luckily, you get paid for the hours your there, so you just need to do what you're told. Sadly, that's not very motivating. Want to work for me?!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:53 AM  

Gas is out, of, control.

I've taken to pouring water in there to make it last longer although for some reason, it's just made my car stop working.

Damn OIL.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:22 PM  

dude. i only have a 10 gallon tank. i never thought i'd see the day when it'd cost almost $30 to fill that sucker.

i fondly remember the days (and it wasn't that long ago - last year) when it was less that $20.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:51 AM  

A little update on this subject...

I got gas in my wife's Camry this weekend. $50. This is a small car, folks, not a crew cab.

I got gas in my Yukon. $73. Closer to the crew cab, but one would think I was fueling up a Boeing!

While filling up the cars, I noticed that diesel in our neighborhood had jumped to $3.09.09, which marks the first time I have ever seen a "3" as the first number in a gas price. Being in an industry that relies heavily on diesel, all I can really say to that is holy shitballs!

And the poor truckers. I used to work with truckers back when diesel first topped $2/gallon. That was a huge event and there were mass protests at all the big transportation hubs. Even at that price, they were still making money though.

At $3+/gallon, these guys are basically just working to break even and make sure that they still have jobs. They are not making any money to support themselves let alone any family they might have.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:29 PM  

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