This post decompensates* so fast it doesn't deserve a title
Why I need a camera phone...Here are two of the interesting products I saw at the 99 cent store check out stand last night (shut up, yes I went to the 99 cent store. Like you don't. And if you don't, you should. They have PopTarts for $.99!) :
- Be Sure - Home Pregnancy Test. Sadly, that might be the extent of the total prenatal expenditures of the people who would use a home pregnancy test from the 99 cent store. Damn, poverty sucks.
- Boogie Busters - children's nasal spray. For your snot-nosed kid, the one you conceived using 99-cent store condoms and found out about using a 99-cent store home pregnancy test. Next time I get boogies in my nose and I only have 99 cents, I might consider buying this product. That name cracks me up!
Everything else in the store is basically named what it is, but its packaging very closely mimics the 'brand' name. Example: Window Cleaner (Windex). Furniture Polish (Pledge). Pan Spray (Pam). Soap (Tide). I haven't been brave enough to try many of these, but the Window Cleaner works exactly the same as Windex but it's only 99-cents. For real. I saved like $3 or $4 on window cleaner.
Damn, my mind has just gone blank. That's why I need a camera phone; to capture and record for our amusement the other hilariously named products at the store.
Anyway, being broke can suck it! Money, you stupid fucking bitch, I hate you. I know I am spoiled. Being comfortable is something I have come to take too much for granted. I can't get a latte today and I feel like it's some great tragedy. What is wrong with me? I know it's all relative and if I didn't live in freaking McMansion land, I'd probably feel pretty darn affluent. As it is, I feel like a pauper and I am ready sell everything I own and go live in a tent in the desert somewhere and commune with the birds and snakes and bugs. Rich people can suck it, too. You aren't helping either. Other people who can suck it: my bank, my creditors, my landlord, and my phone company.
*While we are at it, the word of the day is: decompensate. To "decompensate" means to fall apart mentally and emotionally. Decompensation occurs during the onset of a psychotic process. Non-psychotic persons may decompensate when the stressors they are faced with are greater than they can cope with.
4 comment(s):
haha your posts make me laugh. I think I'd be the same if I couldn't have my latte ~ although I have been weening myself off them recently (much easier in the summer!).
Nice word of the day too ~ mine is
antiquarian: one who collects, studies, or deals in antiquities.
Not that I'll remember in 24 hours ;)
Anonymous, at
4:43 AM
Sometimes even owning a cameraphone isn't enough. Beth and I were in Home Depot the other day and saw a large woman wearing spandex pants. And they were dayglow blue. And shiny! Neither of us had cameras or our cameraphones! Clearly, I need one implanted in my head or something.
Anonymous, at
1:42 PM
dude. hahahaha
Anonymous, at
6:48 PM
How many PopTarts! do you get for $0.99? Are we talking about a box here? Do they have strawberry (and I'm talking PLAIN strawberry, not the new-fangled sprinkles-all-over kind)?
Anonymous, at
4:44 PM
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